Disillusioned by the current state of politics
As a voter, I am disillusioned by the current state of politics. It seems like our elected leaders are more concerned with partisan agendas and personal gain rather than actually working for the people. While I see the value in our political system, I can't help but feel frustrated by the gridlock and lack of progress. I hope to see a shift towards more bipartisan cooperation and transparency in the future
just a big game for the rich and powerful to manipulate and control us common folk. I have no faith in our system and believe that true change can only come from completely overthrowing the entire system and starting from scratch." 1. Mood: 6/10 "Well, I'm sure all those corrupt politicians and their backdoor deals are just really inspiring and dedicated then. Yeah, let's all hold hands and sing Kumbaya while they screw us over. Because that's how democracy works,